I am turning 40 today. Here's little girl me {far left} with 2 of my sisters & 2 of my cousins:

{ full of giggles }
And here's me now:
{ big smiles in the sun }
I am blessed with a belly full of baby, a best friend for a husband who still gives me goosebumps {in a good way!} & 2 children who bring joy & light & craziness into what could otherwise be a much too well-ordered life. I am lucky enough to have 4 sisters who are my besties & confidantes no matter how many miles separate us. I have parents who encourage me & challenge me & support me no matter what. I have a gaggle of friends I can laugh & cry with and a bunch of wonderful in-laws who I'd be friends with even if I weren't "married in".

{ the big four-oh }
I enjoy where I live, what I do & how I feel when I wake up in the morning. Most days. The days I don't make me grateful for the days I do.
So, because I'm waiting on this lil' babes to arrive & can't go out for dinner & have too much vino or spend the week surfing in Costa Rica like a friend is doing for his 40th {jealous much??!} I've decided to create a list of 40 things I want to do this coming year.
Ready? Here goes......
1. plant flowers
2. get more smile lines
3. run a race {5k - 10k}
4. buy myself some jewellery {not the costume kind}
5. stretch daily
6. take a dance class
7. take dj lessons
8. go to a music festival {would love to go to Coachella or Mali's Festival Au Desert}
9. fly first class somewhere
10. eat an ice cream cone with more than one scoop of full fat ice cream
11. plant some veggies
12. hang up more art in my house
13. do a girls' shopping trip
14. read my devotional & Bible daily
15. walk more
16. drive less
17. visit one of my sisters in their home
18. have a baby
19. do a guest blog
20. have someone guest blog for me
21. have more patience
22. take a cooking course with Craig
23. go on a wine tour
24. make a really fantastic sand castle with the kids
25. find more beach glass
26. set up a cozy guest room in our basement
27. get our final occupancy permit
28. vote
29. volunteer
30. wear sunscreen
31. bike ride around the seawall with the family
32. learn to skate
33. take swimming lessons
34. snowshoe
35. get chairs for our master bedroom deck & enjoy a morning & an evening out there with my love
36. get more comfortable driving the Mastercraft X2
37. sew something for the new baby
38. speak kindly more often {especially to my kids}
39. put up hooks in mud room
40. make fresh-squeezed lemonade
Some of these are highly ambitious. Some are easy-peasy. Truth be told, it's a little intimidating to put these out there in case I don't stroke them all off within the year. But they say {whoever "they" are} that if you want to do something you need to be held accountable. So, I figure blog world is as good a place as any to be held accountable, right?!

{ Happy 40th to me!!!! }
yay!! Happy 40 to you!!! Thanks for being the dearest friend & sister for the 30 yrs I've known you. I hope to check off some of the 40 'things to do' with you in the coming year. love you to bits! & so proud to call you my eldest sister!